Saturday, January 21, 2006

Boom with new year song!!!!

The prosperity new year is coming soon, by not more than 10 days. It sounds happiness yet gloomy for me too. It sound curious, isnt it? Haha....thats just becoz my dearest mom always tune in the AIFM which plays chinese new year songs in frequent. It is not the matter i dislike chinese new year songs. But it really is a something that make me sick of it. I rather listen to the pop songs instead of the new year songs. a bizarre person......hope wont get mad cos of d new year songs..haha

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

I missed It

Date: 15.01.06
Time: 12.40am

Yeah...14 of jan passed finally.what does it mean? Mayday's concert comes to the end too..I didn't go for It!!! Am i regret now? Honestly, iit will be a great regret in my life for ever... nevermind..i believe that there will be another chance..
Envy of those went for the concert. I know that the concert will be a wonderful, powerful, greatful concert. All the fans sure had been pushed to very high level of happiness. is definitly an enjoyable concert.However, i missed it...(burst in tears)

No matter what... CHEERZ FOR MAYDAY>...CHEERZ FOR AH SHIN..>>>>>>

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