Saturday, August 27, 2005

TMD 我爱你

one new song's quite nice. However, i donno who is the singer...just accidentally found it.

奔跑在撒哈拉的烈日下 我的爱穿过了沙漠的绿洲和悬崖
baby 我从来不会害怕 也不敢害怕
一整片太平洋的海水 也无法熄灭我对你所有思念和牵挂
baby 我是如此的挣扎心里放不下 one two three
tmd 我爱你 甜蜜的我爱你
就算有着遥远的距离 也无法忘记
tmd 我爱你 甜蜜的我爱你
幸福在下个路口等你 脸上有微笑的痕迹
baby想听见甜蜜的情话 我手中开着的玫瑰花是最美丽的图画
tmd 我爱你 甜蜜的我爱你
tmd 我爱你 甜蜜的我爱你
我愿意每天把爱收集 只因为那个人是你的我爱你

sweet it now...:p

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yeah...cutie boy ...haris.....he is really a funny boy....clever n humour...nice to meet haris at Ladang Nasuha..... Posted by Picasa

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hehe...long time didn't have any updated photo...well..this is the lastest's really qiao....:p Posted by Picasa

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Having a ball?

last day went popular in jusco, i'd learned an interesting english that we as local ppl wont used to to it. It's 'im having a ball'.well, this does not mean that im really having a reall'ball'.Instead, this ball in this sentence bring the meaning that, im enjoy it.....or im happy on it..something like that. So, normally for the English ppl, when u ask them how's ur trip?maybe they will asnwer u ' having a ball for the's quite funny for me.....=_=

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