Thursday, April 12, 2007


我睁开眼睛 却感觉不到天亮
东西吃一半 莫名其妙哭一场
我忍住不想 时间变得更漫长
别与你有关 否则又开始胡思乱想
我日月无光 忙得不知所以然
找朋友交谈 其实全帮不上忙
以为会习惯 有你在才是习惯
你曾住在我心上 现在空了一个地方
原来爱情这么伤 比想象中还难
泪水总是不听话 幸福躲起来不声不响
太多道理太牵强 道理全是一样
说的时候很简单 爱上后却阵脚大乱]
只想变的坚强 强到能够去忘
无所谓悲伤 只要学会抵抗
原来爱情是这样 这样峰回路转
泪水明明流不干 瞎了眼还要再爱一趟
有一天终于打完 思念的一场战
回过头再看一看 原来爱情那么伤下次
还会不会 这样

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time to wake up

Suddenly i awake from my dream, the dream that i build all alone. It is achy heart. I just notice how naive am I. It should be over from long time ago. I always think that im rational in handling this kind of matter.But, from the moment, I know that, i fail. Anywhere, thanks for remind me how cruel is the reality, and awaken me from my own dreamland. U are the one push me to the reality.thanks for all that you did.I will appreciate from the bottom of my heart, sincerely.

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Sunday, April 08, 2007



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