Thursday, March 10, 2005

Stupid joke

One day, when i online, i paste a joke to ccy,kyr, pww n kmj.The joke is sound like this one day,
Durex complained to Kotex: everytime u wokr, i gotta 7 days off, Kotex retorted: evertime u make a mistake during work, i gotta 9 months leave...

After that, ccy use his creative mind and create so many version of joke sound like the following:

one day, sony erricson ask nokia: why your battery always siao siao de ? nokie replied : im nokia not siao kia la !!!!

one day, in a shop; U2 asked Hush puppies: where is renoma??? hush puppies replied: my ah ma ?? at home lar !

adidas asked nike : should i kill asadi ??? nike: just do it

one day, Hi5 complained to Gardenia: why ppl buy u not buy me ? gardenia : because 4 pieces of me equal to 1 cup of milk .. hehehe

one day, pillow case ask pillow : why i have to cover you up? pillow answered: emmm .. i think is to avoid the increase of population bah ....

There is no funny...don't laugh...if u are really siao .....

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LOve Management

Hahha...first time write my blog in english....Hmm...nowadays,when we see the people aroudn us,we can find that there is so many people tortured by the so-called love. Don't know why, many people suffer on it. Even though love actually is a very romantic thing, however, now, it seems like a burden in our life.Actually, how we gonna get fun through the intimate relationship with our partner, it depends on how well we gonna handle it. If we can handle it well, of course, we will enjoy from it. On the other side, if we cant handle it well, for sure, what is coming to us is sadness. Maybe we need a management course that can teach us how to manage the intimate relationship with our beloved. Hope my friend wont suffer of it anymore. Take out your burden...the life is still wonderful. Wahahahah......

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Wednesday, March 09, 2005







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Tuesday, March 08, 2005


人生好比一杯Cappuccino。在未加糖之前,带点苦涩味道;加糖后又有另一番味道。人生何尝不是这样呢?每个人的生活总有酸甜苦辣。但是,我们总是看到生活中的苦,忘了甜的存在。很多人总抱怨为何我的人生那么命苦,难道我就注定苦命终生吗?如果,我们愿意在生活中添加快乐的调味料,那人生就不会只有苦的味道了。而是充满欢乐,多姿多彩。我们的人生掌握在我们的手中,如何把它变得美味,就要看我们如何善用我们的调味料。就好像喝Cappuccino 时,如果你想要品尝苦涩的味道,那就喝纯正的Cappucino;如果你希望你的Cappucino是甜的,那就加糖吧。糖的成分在於你的掌控之中,相同的,生活中的欢乐在你的手中。有一首歌是这么唱的:<快乐是自找的不是你给我的>。想要快乐?必须学会如何寻找快乐的原点。

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Monday, March 07, 2005

让我照顾你~Enrich ur life

坐在我身旁 你的心伤 不懂我也不想 但你的眼泪下在我心脏
回家的太阳红着眼眶心疼你的模样 影子的悲伤 也变得更长
昨天谁让你受过伤害 今天想要让你都遗忘
是你 爱你让我变得更强 为你战斗永不投降
让我照顾你的 我要让雨停出太阳 我超越我自己的想象 风雨刀枪能为你挡
让我照顾你 让你未来放在我肩上

新的冷笑话 巧克力糖 开始为你收藏 最近连睡觉手机也在手上
幻想着未来满头白发 公园的长椅上 你也许会说话 一声谢谢我
如果这一生到尽头 换你的这句话很足够
是你 爱你让我变得更强 为你战斗用不投降 让我照顾你 我要让雨停出太阳
我超越我自己的想象 风雨刀枪能为你挡
让我照顾你 为你失去生命也辉煌 ( 让你未来放在我肩上 )

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