I missed It
Date: 15.01.06
Time: 12.40am
Yeah...14 of jan passed finally.what does it mean? Mayday's concert comes to the end too..I didn't go for It!!! Am i regret now? Honestly, iit will be a great regret in my life for ever... nevermind..i believe that there will be another chance..
Envy of those went for the concert. I know that the concert will be a wonderful, powerful, greatful concert. All the fans sure had been pushed to very high level of happiness. Haha..it is definitly an enjoyable concert.However, i missed it...(burst in tears)
No matter what... CHEERZ FOR MAYDAY>...CHEERZ FOR AH SHIN..>>>>>>
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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