Monday, July 17, 2006

lesson from GOD

If "success" is our only ticket to self-respect, then many of us will never get there. And those with the good fortune to achieve such "success" will always live in fear of losing it through circumstances beyond their control. We may have all the talent in the world, but we can end up tripping on the pavement and missing the interview!
"According to the effort is the reward." If you make the effort, you will find results
The answer is that effort and results are not cause and effect. Reaching great heights does not depend upon our natural talents and capabilities. Effort is our responsibility, but results are a "find" -- a gift from God. And God will give us whatever we need to succeed.

A person can thus succeed by winning a moral struggle, even if there are no tangible results.
But effort is difficult to quantify, so in our materialistic world we tend to disregard its value.
You are watching two people compete in a 100-meter dash. One runs a world record time of 9.3 seconds. The other crosses the finish line in 30 seconds.
Who attained success? The record breaker of course!
Except that the one who clocked 30 seconds had developed polio as a child, was unable to walk until he was 14-years-old, and had invested years of painful, grueling exercise until he was finally able to even run the distance.
We can never measure anyone's value based on external success, because we can never know the circumstances he has had to deal with.
We are born into a particular set of circumstances, as determined by God. We only have control over the effort that we exert. How we deal with our particular circumstances determines whether we are a success. Where we stand on the ladder is less important than how many rungs we've climbed.
Self-esteem comes from knowing you're making the effort to grow. If we're making our best effort, we can live with a deep and abiding sense of satisfaction.

Western society's focus on external accomplishment decreases the chance of developing genuine self-esteem.

Man is created with a soul, a divine spark of God. Self-respect is a birthright.

Never measure anyone's value based on external success, because you don't know his set of circumstances.

You have to want it so badly that you will cry for it.From all of this we see that even the slowest of the slow can achieve greatness. The secret? You have to want it so badly that you will cry for it.

Potential for greatness is unlimited when we have the power of the Almighty behind us.


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