Thursday, March 30, 2006


hahhaha...just now went to visit DIno...what an adorable puppy it is.....doesnt look like a real dog...rather it is more likely a teddy is naughty and hyperactive.It really make me shout out at the first touch with it. Hahaa....cos it is the first time i get so close to a pet.....wohooo~!! I admit that it really does make me shivering...nay...i get used to it after that..yeahahhahah..i've challenged my limit finally......hahhahahahha., time i should be the initiator that kacau dino..not he kacau me.......hehhee....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buahahaha,this girl still dare to say she had challenged her limits. *fainted* She screamed like orang gila when Dino went near to her. That's not done, she even hide behind Ws n run away from Dino seem like a Giant Monster going after her. *Sambil run, Sambil hide, Sambil jerit* Such an adorable little puppy can make her scared till like that. =_=" Luckily, at last she managed to conquer her fear and not to scream anymore (if not sure all of us become deaf people. Anyway, i really regret that i did not bring any digital camera to record that scene down *aikss*, if not i can upload somewhere and share this "nice" entertainment with you guys. Hahahaa....

7:53 PM  
Blogger ~y@nz~ said...

haha...i start fall in love with Ah DIno ady...leng time i wont be so scare ady....hahaa....just feel sorry to mj n el cos woke them up...

10:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaa...I think they won't mind about your high pitch scream, due to they already used to noisy environment...Lolz...

1:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yen.. dun be scare. it is teddy bear toy as u said ma. Dino leng zai like to listen to kelly clarkson's song, "because of u". next time, u sing n he will dance wif u. imagine it now...

chromis... u should bring along ur digi cam always. capture down the funny clips or pic.

when u go to visit dino next time, pls invite me, i miss him also. haha...

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

12:01 PM  

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