cost spent in switzerland
WorldGuide Index Prices
Item Price
litre of petrol Swf1.34
souvenir t-shirt Swf20.00
litre of water Swf2.00
loaf of bread Swf3.25
glass of draught beer Swf3.50
36 roll colour exposure film Swf8.00
takeaway kebab Swf8.00
5kg load in coin-operated laundry Swf10.00
fondue dinner Swf25.00
hostel dorm bed Swf30.00
Average Room Prices
Low Mid High Deluxe
Swf20-180 Swf180-260 Swf260-420 Swf420+
Average Meal Prices
Low Mid High
Swf6-12 Swf12-25 Swf25-45
with the exchange rate at RM1= Swf 0.35
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