Wednesday, July 13, 2005

sudden thought

happiness is there for us to support us to continue our life.....happiness exist to makes our life sweet in order to cover all the bitter in our life.
Likely, we are living cos we are busy finding the real happiness that belong to us. happiness is around the corner ...waiting for us to grab for it. but most of us are unble to get it. Why? cos we never appreciate it. To be happy is easy.. to be sad also easy. It's a choice between ...whether u wana be happy or be sad. Down or up in the life is in ur hand. Nobody can deprive it from anyone....unless u allow it to be happened.

live for happiness? or live for sadness.....

light up ur life with happiness or let the happiness light up ur life?

grab it or let it?

the blue sky is wide.......even borderless.....but it doesnt mean we are all the day have to be under the blue sky...when ur feeling is blue...turn it out to other happy maybe.... there is opposition of the blue...... just depends on we want to take it as blue or as other color....

I dun wan feel blue cos of someone....i also not willing that someone is blue of me.... tho' i'd been blue for someone for a's fate.......outside the blue is a brighter sky......

it's a good news if u r not understand.


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