Thursday, March 03, 2005



p/s:i just write it down according to my imagine of a situation...nothing happen to me....hahha....dun ask me y i write such of thing....:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i totally 100% agreed wif ur point of view....promises is nothing if u din do it...i prefer real action than promises....dont u guys heard of "Actions Speak Louder than Words"......By d way, i hate promises too....

12:00 AM  
Blogger ~y@nz~ said...

yyaya.....promises = disappointment...when there is promises....there should be disappointment...cos human being are born to break the one xcan hold the promise forever, rubbish...

12:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like this article cos it pointed out the truth of real life. i had given one girl a lot of promises, but i found that i only always breaks the promises n not succeed the make her be hurt, be disappointed again n again.besides,it make her losing confidence on me. BUT b4 i have the opinion that it not mean i wan to lie her,make fun on her o how..when i promised her i really have the mind that to fulfil the promise...cos only found that to fulfil a promise is hard sicne there will a lot of problems to meet,to solve n sometimes the best way is different from wat u had promised. now i ask myself why i never think probably b4 i gave out the promise?n why need to wait till u go thro all the things just found that the promise cant work? do u know though u make the promise is cos of someone but if u cant fulfil the promise --no matter wat problems u met-- the result still the same.. u r a liar. so nowadays i seldom give promise cos i don wan give ppl hope n disappointed ppl. cos real action is the best promise n suprise too. if u promised ppl, better make sure u can do it. cos chance is not always wif u.....

12:40 AM  

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